Tag: Growth

Growth variability of farm grown teak in response to climatic and soil factors across three agroclimatic zones of Tamil Nadu, India

The biometric data viz., diameter at breast height, tree height and tree volume was evaluated and were correlated with climatic…

Rachel Reeves squeezes benefits as 2025 growth forecast halved in Spring Statement

Brian WheelerPolitical reporterReutersRachel Reeves has squeezed the welfare budget further and boosted defence spending in a Spring Statement aimed at…

Growth forecast halved for 2025 but later years upgraded

The UK economy is now predicted to grow at a much slower pace this year than previously expected, according to…

Samsung’s CEO addresses slow growth with investors

The entire tech industry is aware of the difficulties Samsung has been experiencing in some key divisions for several years.…

Tesla sales plummet in Europe despite EV growth | Automotive Industry News

Ageing design, rising competition and controversy around Elon Musk seen driving reversal of Tesla sales. Tesla’s European sales dropped 49…

UK private sector growth rises to six-month high in boost for Rachel Reeves | Economics

UK private sector output growth climbed to a six-month high in March, powered by services companies that expect to avoid…

Comparative effects of different types and doses of biochar on soil quality indicators and arugula growth under saline conditions

Electrical conductivityUnder irrigation with saline water, the applications of 3%WCB, 5%WCB, 3%BLB, 5%BLB, 3%SSB, 5%SSB, 3%RSB, and 5%RSB in saline…

Telegram’s founder boasts of user growth & attacks WhatsApp

WhatsApp is currently the world’s largest messaging app. However, its position is slowly being challenged by Telegram. According to Telegram…

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